So my lists basically dropped off for April and May which were very busy months for finishing up school and moving out of Missoula for good hopefully. Now that life has somewhat calmed back down and I'm able to focus on small term goals again.
Finish January, February, and March tasks still doable time and money-wiseFinish 2 pages in 'the book'Finish 1 page in my journalWork on my personal Moleskine pagesWork on decorating my new personal/school MoleskineScan in Moleskine pagesBuy some planner supplies off of EtsyUpdate my list notebookUpdate my music notebookUpdate my movie listWork on organizing my Firefox bookmarksWork on backupdating LiveJournalTry to drink one quart (32 oz) of fluid per daySign up for NetflixWatch at least 3 instant queue moviesAttempt to watch 'The Angry Beavers' Season 1 on NetflixAttempt to get through 3 movies on my DVD queueWatch Season 1 of Dark BlueRenew my Flickr Pro membershipAttempt to pick a font for the new tattooBegin researching watch optionsRegister for FVCC LPN classesLook for index card solutionsFinish CNA classesBegin reviewing A&P conceptsWatch Royal Pains season premiereWatch Glee season finaleHave a Father's Day BBQFinish reading 'Vienna Blood'Put 'Along For The Ride' on hold at the library